The phased comprehensive plan presents the details of the land use development principles for the Tesoma station area, the Lielahti-Hiedanranta area, the city centre and the area east of Lake Alasjärvi. More detailed land use planning is carried out using local detailed plans.
On 19 March 2024, the Committee for City Planning and Infrastructure Services approved the proposal for the inner city phased comprehensive plan and a proposal for phased changes to the city centre local comprehensive plan for the council term 2021–2025 for feedback and statements.
The Committee voted to shelve the matter by 7 votes to 6. The proposal to return the matter for processing was voted for by 7 to 5. The discussion continued, and the Committee accepted requests to be taken into account in further planning. The requests concerned the areas of Kauppi Campus and Eteläpuisto.
The draft of the phased comprehensive plan was available for public review from 9 March to 11 April 2023, after which further surveys and amendments were made. Based on the feedback, residents and authorities were mainly satisfied with the overall themes and solutions of the comprehensive plan related to adaptation to climate change and the quality development of green areas.
Most feedback on sub-areas concerned the solution for the area east of Lake Alasjärvi, which was considered unacceptable. Tourism services were considered to be in conflict with the existing use of the area and the preservation of natural values.
Safeguarding waters and green areas
The comprehensive plan steers the City to secure the blue-green structure, meaning different water bodies and green-covered areas, which is the basis for the City’s adaptation to climate change and preserving healthy living conditions and living environment for people.
Existing green areas must be preserved. In addition to them, the City has assigned 13 urban green development areas to different parts of the inner city. Diverse vegetation must be added to these areas.
The City will steer sustainable water management by updating the planning regulation for significant channels and water routes and by adding new channels to the planning map based on a survey of small water areas and water bodies and the stormwater programme.
The City will strengthen the green environment and leisure services by securing and developing a central park network and indicative ecological and recreational connections. With regard to recreational services, the central theme of the phased comprehensive plan is recreational services on beaches and port development.
New solution for the area east of Lake Alasjärvi
The City has changed the planning solution for the eastern part of Alasjärvi substantially from the draft phase. The area has been reduced and the area reservations for tourism and accommodation services have been removed from the proposal for a comprehensive plan.
The phased comprehensive plan indicates the boundaries for the development of recreational services and activities. The general regulation requires that the area's natural values and ecological connections are secured and that parking in the area is resolved as a whole.
The phased comprehensive plan identifies areas that are significant for the natural environment and the connections between them. In the area for detailed planning, Niihamankatu and Luhtaantie have been marked as needing connections or development for pedestrians and cyclists. The aim is to improve the safety of moving about and the accessibility of recreational and nature tourism services.
Surrounding of the Tesoma commuter train stop
In connection with the work on the phased comprehensive plan, the City has drawn up a vision for Tesoma's sub-area to transform the environment of the commuter train stop into an area for housing, business and service activities. Based on the vision, the phased comprehensive plan presents the management and development targets for more specific planning related to the gradual development of the connections, green areas and activities in the area. As regards climate change adaptation, a new green street has been designated for the area.
Lielahti-Hiedanranta regional centre
The City will steer the development of the Lielahti-Hiedanranta regional centre so that the area will transform from the current area of halls and parking areas into a western centre offering pleasant housing and versatile services, while also remaining an attractive area for regional trade.
The phased comprehensive plan proposes more precise management of the location of large retail units in the area of city centre operations, the development of new and existing green connections and the principles of gradual development. The tram street has been designated as a green street.
Additions to the city centre area
The strategic comprehensive plan for the city centre, adopted in 2016, will largely remain in effect for the city centre. The new general regulations for the city centre will guide the development of the green environment, adaptation to climate change and the quality of high-rise construction.
The City has updated the plan notations and regulations related to the transport system based on the city centre transport system plan that is under preparation. The area of slow traffic has been expanded to cover the surroundings of Tammela Stadium. The bus station and Central Square are designated as public transport exchange terminals and Pyynikintori as an exchange stop.
The circle of the city centre has also been expanded to cover Lapintie, Ratapihankatu and Kanslerinrinne streets, in addition to Rautatienkatu street. The City has added new pedestrian connection needs to the eastern edge of the Ratina backwater and to the north of Alavoimala in Tammerkoski on the basis of the Tammerkoski bridge survey.
Indicative commuter train stops have been assigned to Amuri and Ranta-Tampella in accordance with the report completed in 2019. In addition, the City has harmonised the plan notations of the quality corridors for public transport with the rest of the city area and updated the notations concerning the cultural environment. Locally valuable cultural environments have been identified as new notations in the city centre area.
Visions for economic policy
On 25 September 2023, based on the feedback received, the City Board outlined the further preparation of the comprehensive plan and also discussed the regional work on visions for economic policy.
The pilot areas for the vision work were the traditional and lively business areas of Hankkio and Nekala with their various operators, which are located in an increasingly dense urban structure. The City has clarified the intent for development by working on concise regional visions that reconcile the views of the City and other operators. The visions consist of an indicative map and a descriptive text section.
Progress of comprehensive plan work
The phased comprehensive plan will be available for public review starting from 21 March 2024. The City will also organise public events during the public review period. Any complaints can be submitted to the City Registry. The map and description of the plan may be revised before approval.
The phased comprehensive plan for Tampere inner city will be drafted during the council term of 2021–2024. It will be ready for approval processing by the Committee for City Planning and Infrastructure Services, the City Board and the City Council by the end of 2024.