The voting day for the EU elections is on Sunday
The voter will find out where to vote on the actual election day from the voting notification sent to the Messages section of the service. You can also check it from the link below by entering your street address in the search field.
Polling stations are open on the voting day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Remember to take a valid official identity document with you to the polling station.
The whole country forms one constituency for the EU elections, so you can vote for any Finnish candidate you wish.
The elections will elect 720 representatives to the EU Parliament for a five-year term. Finland will have 15 representatives in the future Parliament, one more than in the last parliamentary term.
The European Parliament is the EU's parliament, which makes laws and approves the EU budget together with the Council of the European Union. It also oversees the Commission and EU agencies.
In addition to Finnish citizens aged 18 or over by the election day, all EU citizens who are of full age, living in Finland and registered to vote are entitled to vote.
Vote safely and securely
The entrances to polling stations are as accessible as possible. Escorted traffic can stop close to the entrance and you can park close to the polling station with an LE parking permit. Voters with mobility and functional disabilities may be accompanied by a personal assistant or a guide or assistance dog. There will also be an election assistant at the polling stations.
All polling stations have an accessible voting booth for voters in wheelchairs, a signature tablet for visually impaired voters, a magnifying glass and a list of candidates in Braille.
The polling stations will respect the principles of safer space.