The academic year at the Adult Education Centre begins on September 2, 2024 – over 15,900 have already registered

The academic year at The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region officially begins on Monday, September 2, 2024. However, in typical fashion for adult education centres, courses will start throughout the academic year, offering a variety of options ranging from short to long courses, as well as free general lectures. By the end of August, over 15,900 participants have already found a hobby from the course selection.

Based on enrollment demand, the most popular courses at The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region this fall are once again ceramics and pilates. Additionally, clothing and sewing courses, basics of couple dancing, basics of home massage, and animal figure felting have attracted many students, filling up waitlists. The number of registrations has significantly increased from last year, as by August 30, 2024, 15,950 participants had found a course, compared to 14,700 at the same time last year on August 30, 2023.

The adult education centre's general lecture season begins on September 4, 2024, with the start of the seven-part series Kaikki tahtoo asua – 'Everyone Wants to Live,' which explores issues related to housing. The photography-focused series Mestarit kameran takaa – 'Masters Behind the Camera' continues on September 24, 2024, with the masters guiding the audience through old photographs of Keskustori, Tammerkoski, Nokia, and Ruovesi throughout the fall. The lecture series Tavoitteena ilo – 'Pursuing Joy,' starting in October, will delve into the meanings of hope and joy in people's lives, philosophy, brain health, and creativity.

The retirement-themed lecture series will feature guest speakers, including Dr. Pippa Laukka on September 11, 2024, and actress and Easel work coach Outi Mäenpää on September 18, 2024. Laukka and Mäenpää's lectures will focus on active retirement and facing changes. Before the lectures, attendees can learn about the activities of various associations and organizations in the Sampola lobby. All general lectures at the adult education centre are free of charge and will be held in Sampola, Tampere. All lectures are in Finnish.

In addition to liberal adult education courses and general lectures, the adult education centre will also offer basic education in visual arts, literary arts, and theatre arts for children and youth, as well as basic education in handicrafts and visual arts for adults. The three-year writing school, Viita Academy, will begin its studies at the end of September, with 15 writers selected from 65 applicants embarking on their creative writing journey.

Text: Anna-Katariina Maksimoff
Photos: Jukka Salminen
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