Give your opinion on safety in Tampere

The City of Tampere is carrying out a survey to collect residents’ experiences of the city’s safety. The survey is open from 30 September to 13 October 2024. All residents of Tampere aged 15 and over can respond in Finnish or English.

The safety survey examines residents’ views and experiences of crimes and disturbances, violence and the threat of violence, and accidents. We also ask residents about discrimination and harassment, security concerns, preparedness at home and the sense of community in their neighbourhood. The survey is based on questions from the National Council for Crime Prevention, and it is carried out in Tampere every three years.

The City’s employees and partners will make use of the safety survey results in various ways in their work towards safety.

-We receive a lot of information about the state of security, for example, through crime statistics. The results of the survey will increase our understanding of how residents perceive the city’s safety and what kind of safety-related issues spark discussion right now. The city exists for its residents, and we can all do our part to influence its safety, says Jouni Perttula, risk and security director at the City of Tampere.

The survey is anonymous and no one can be identified from their answers. It will take 10–15 minutes to complete. The results of the survey will be published on the City’s website in November 2024.

Everyone’s voice is needed

This year, the safety survey features an open-ended response field, and the City hopes residents will share their thoughts and ideas on how the security situation in their neighbourhood could be improved.

Improving the sense of safety and security is a strategic objective of the City of Tampere. The city works constantly to promote safety and cooperates extensively with the authorities, local organisations, companies and residents.

The City of Tampere’s safety plan includes focus areas for safety work and related objectives and measures. You can see the safety plan on the City’s website (in Finnish) at

Further information

Jouni Perttula
Risk and security director
040 196 6512
Photos: Tampere Taivaalta
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