Event and culture barometer survey now open – responses will help support culture makers in Pirkanmaa

The event and culture barometer -survey is now open. This survey aims to assess the operational conditions, development needs, and satisfaction with municipal services among event organizers, associations, and creative industry professionals in the Pirkanmaa region.
Taiteilija tasapainoilee näyteikkunan takana esinettä päänsä päällä, etualalla katsojia.
Museum Cards will be raffled among those who leave their contact information in the survey.

The event and culture barometer survey results will help guide the development of Tampere’s culture and event sectors and evaluate the impact of ongoing initiatives. This is the third time Tampere City is conducting this data collection.

The survey seeks responses from event industry professionals, cultural associations, businesses, individual artists, producers, and other cultural actors within the Pirkanmaa region.

-The survey provides valuable data from the creative industries, enabling us to design development initiatives that align with the needs of industry professionals, says Anna Szalay, Development Manager at Tampere City.

Responses can be submitted anonymously until November 30, 2024, and the survey takes about five minutes to complete. Participants may enter their contact information at the end to enter a prize draw. Three Museum Cards will be drawn among those who leave their contact details. The results will be published in the event and kulture barometer by the end of the year.

Further information

Anna Szalay
Head of Development
044 481 1774
Text: Elina Uusitalo
Photos: Heikki Järvinen
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