How did Tampere succeed in winter maintenance? - answer the questionnaire
How were streets, cycle paths and pavements cleared and sanded in winter in your area, for example. To start, select the maintenance area you want to give feedback on from the map in the survey.
Please give a score between 0 and 5 and provide free feedback
Give a score of 0-5 for the quality of the paths and the time it takes to get them back to passable condition. You can also give free feedback and tell us what needs to be improved the most. Grit removat is also part of the winter maintenance tasks and you can give free feedback on this.
Answering the survey is quick and easy, and at the end of the survey, there is a form that you can use to participate in a draw for gift cards.
Satisfaction with winter maintenance improved in the last survey
The survey is conducted annually and the results are used to monitor and improve the quality of winter maintenance. According to the 2023-2024 survey, satisfaction with the quality of winter maintenance increased for both streets and pavements and cycle paths. Respondents felt that it was quicker to get pavements in good condition. 454 responses were received.
–We hope that residents and walkers across the city will be inspired to respond to the survey to get a comprehensive result. Based on previous survey results, we need a faster response to changing weather conditions, comments Lassi Jokinen, maintenance engineer at the City of Tampere.
–The results will be discussed with the maintenance managers. We will continue good practices, develop new solutions and increase the control of maintenance staff in monitoring quality. We will continue to focus on winter maintenance of pedestrian and cycle paths, say Petri Kujala, construction manager, and Tuomas Tervashonka , works manager, Tampereen Infra.