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Exemption from the payment of fees for early childhood education and supplementary pre-school education

The customer fee for early childhood education is determined by family size, service need and gross income. Once the payment has been determined and the payment decision received, it is possible for the guardian to apply for a payment exemption.

Reporting income information for the purpose of determining the customer fee

The right to an exemption from payment of the customer fee may arise if the customer fee charged according to income causes the customer (Kela) to need income support, or the child is entitled to it under the special care program granted by the Disabled Services. The principles of preventive income support and related application guidelines are applied to the decisions.

An exemption from client fees is usually not granted retroactively; it may be granted only starting in the calendar month the application reached the Early childhood education and care services client fees department.

More information: 

[email protected]

Updated 21.8.2024