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Fees for care complementary to pre-primary education

Four hours of pre-primary education are provided each day free of charge.

Early childhood education and care to complement pre-primary education

Complementary early childhood education and care is part-time and is provided at the same site as pre-primary education. The fee is determined in accordance with the Early Childhood Education and Care Customer Fee Act.

The service options for supplementary activities are:

  • Supplementary early childhood education and care, up to 5 hours per day (fee 60% of the full-time fee for early childhood education and care)
  • Supplementary early childhood education and care, more than 5 hours per day (fee 80% of the full-time fee).

There is also a choice of 10 or 15 contract days per month.

More information on early childhood education and care fees

Client fees in bilingual pre-primary education

Bilingual pre-primary education is provided by the basic education services free of charge.

Activities complementing bilingual pre-primary education are provided for a fee.

Early childhood education and care as activities complementary to bilingual pre-primary education

Complementary early childhood education and care is provided by daycare centres, with client fees determined by the family’s income.

The English School of Tampere also provides English-language complementary early childhood education and care through a service voucher. The co-payment additional to the service voucher is determined by the family’s income.

Morning and afternoon activities in bilingual pre-primary education

Instead of complementary early childhood education and care, a child attending bilingual pre-primary education may participate in the school’s morning and afternoon activities with pupils. Fees are determined as they would be for school children attending the morning and afternoon activity clubs.

Client fees for morning and afternoon club activities

Summer time activities in early childhood education and preschool education

Customer fees for early childhood education and pre-primary education

040 1808476 phone service is open Mondays to Thursdays 9–11 a.m.

From 1.8.2024, only early childhood education that complements pre-primary education will be offered, the fee for which is determined in accordance with the Early Childhood Education Customer Fee Act.

Client fees for early childhood education and care and pre-primary education

Considerations in assessing client fees in early childhood education and care

Updated 11.6.2024