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Bilingual daycare centres and groups

The City of Tampere provides early childhood education and care in German at the Kissanmaa Daycare Centre, and early childhood education and care in French at the Amuri Daycare Centre.

Swedish early childhood education and care is also provided as a purchased service by the Svenska Barndaghemmet i Tammerfors. Applications for a purchased service care berth proceed through the same online form as municipally operated services and client fees are determined according to the same criteria. Apart from the municipal application form, you should also fill in the Swedish-language daycare centre’s own application form available at their website.

English language early childhood education and care is provided with the help of service vouchers by the Sun Shine Early Learning Centre as well as  Touhula early childhood education and care. You may use the municipal online form to apply for a place at these units.

Several other private daycare providers also offer English-language early childhood education and care. Attendees may be eligible for Kela’s private daycare allowance and its municipal supplement.

Video: Bilingual early childhood education and care and basic education in Tampere

Bilingual daycare centres and groups

Showing locations: 3

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Updated 12.12.2024