Evening-time and round-the-clock care
The day care centres are normally open on weekdays from 6 am to 6 pm. Daycare centres that offer evening-time care open, if necessary, at 5.30 am and close at 10.30 pm at the latest.
Evening-time care is intended for the children who, due to the parents’ work or vocational studies, require care after 6 pm on a regular basis.
Shift care is intended for children whose parents work in shifts on a regular basis and the child consequently requires care on some nights as well. Prior to the initiation of a care relationship, a care contract is made. Client fees for evening-time and shift care are the same as those for other forms of daycare.
The Pellervo Daycare Centre also provides shift care for schoolchildren. This service is intended for first grader children of single parents who do shift work. The Pappila, Hervanta, Kukkapelto, and Tesoma Daycare Centres provide evening-time care and weekend care for schoolchildren according to the same criteria.
Shift care for schoolchildren carries a fee of 120 € / month.
No transportation to shift care can be provided by the early childhood education services.
Round-the-clock care
Evening-time care Monday-Sunday
Etelä-Hervanta Daycare Centre
Tesoma Daycare Centre
Evening-time care Monday-Saturday
Pappila Daycare Centre (from 1.8.25 Mon-Fri 5.30-22.30.)