Niemenranta Daycare Centre
Niemenranta Daycare Centre
The Niemenranta daycare centre provides an excellent framework for a wide range of pedagogical activities. The daycare centre has separate facilities for sports, IT, art and baking. There is also a common dining room where meals are served in a tiered system.
Niemenranta is a growing residential area surrounded by a diverse learning environment in the immediate vicinity of Lielahti and Lentävänniemi. The daycare centre emphasises the importance of community and working together, for example by creating a common home area for 2-3 groups of children. In the home area, everyone knows each other and children can play in different spaces.
Niemenranta has three home areas: orange, lime and turquoise. In the orange home area there is a group of 1-year-olds and in the lime one an integrated group. Niemenranta daycare centre works closely with the Lentävänniemi school.