Starting early childhood education and care

1. Accepting a placement

After a guardian has applied for a place in early childhood education and care, they will be informed about the assigned placement of their child online through the eVaka Tampere system. You must register your acceptance of the placement. At the same time, remember to report your income information. You may also reject the placement.

2. Initial discussion

There will be an initial discussion at the daycare centre before the child will start attending on a regular basis. Staff in early childhood education and care and those who cooperate with early childhood education and care have a duty of professional secrecy in matters concerning children and families (Act on the Status and Rights of Social Welfare Clients 13.7.2018/540).

3. Getting to know the daycare centre

Most often the guardian/parent can accompany the child on a visit to get to know the daycare centre before starting.  With a familiar adult is present, the child feels safe about the new surroundings. 

The visit should be agreed upon with the early childhood education personnel. An interpreter may accompany you for the visit.

4. The child starts early childhood education

The child will officially start early childhood education and care after familiarisation is complete.


Starting early childhood education and care in various languages

What a child needs to attend early childhood education and care in various languages

Early childhood education agreement

An early childhood education agreement will be concluded for each child. An interpreter may attend the discussion.

In the early childhood education agreement, there will be a written record of:

  • contact information
  • attendance days
  • persons authorized to pick up the child
  • illnesses and medication of the child
  • allergies and diet of the child

The contact information will be kept up to date. If the guardian's phone number changes, they should provide the new number to an employee in the child’s group.

Early childhood education agreement in various languages

Early childhood education and care plan and plan meeting

Each child will have their own early childhood education plan drawn up. The plan is individual. Drafting the child's early childhood education plan is a legal mandate (Section 23 of the Early childhood Education Act 2018/540). The child's early childhood education plan shall be confidential. 

Guardians and early childhood education personnel discuss the child and the early childhood education plan. An interpreter may attend the discussion. The discussion will take place after the child has started early childhood education. The plan will be discussed again in the spring term. The child's thoughts and interests are important. 

The following will be recorded into the plan:

  • what things bring joy to the child.
  • what does the child like to do.
  • what has the child learned.
  • what things the child is still practicing.
  • how the adults work with the child.

The plan includes provisions on the child's meals, dress, sleep, health and safety. The plan will be placed the eVaka Tampere online system. The plan is drawn up every year.


Early childhood education and care plan in various languages

Updated 9.2.2023