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- Application request: preschool education according to the school pathway
Enrolment in pre-primary education

The child must attend pre-primary education one year before the start of compulsory education. The child's guardian is responsible for ensuring that the child attends pre-school education or other activities that meet the objectives of pre-school education. (Basic Education Act)
Pre-primary education
- is free of charge
- takes place on weekdays 9.00–13.00
- takes place at schools as well as a few daycare centres
Activities supplementing pre-school education are subject to a fee.
In principle, a child's pre-school place and future school path will be determined by his or her home address.
Children starting pre-primary education in autumn 2025 will have been born in 2019.
In January 2025, the majority of children born in 2019 received a conditional pre-school decision based on address information in the Population Information System (November 2024).
When your child needs a new pre-school place, do the following
Accepting a placement in pre-primary education
The decision on the child's future pre-school place is sent to the guardian electronically via the Suomi.fi messages service, if the guardian has taken the service into use. Otherwise, the decision will be sent home by letter. The decision contains the contact information of the future preschool.
The pre-school education place and the place for the activity supplementing pre-school education must be accepted or rejected without delay, no later than two weeks after receiving the decision. The place can be accepted/rejected electronically at varhaiskasvatus.tampere.fi or by contacting the head of the unit.