Address: Hippoksenkatu 29, 33540, Tampere
Places for organizing preschool education

On this page
In Tampere, pre-school education is mainly organized in connection with schools.
Preschool education locations and contact information 2024-2025
Address: Mossinkaari 2, 33610 Tampere
Koulukatu 14
Förskolan, p. 050 323 4256
Esiopetusryhmien yhteystiedot: Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors
Contact details for pre-school groups
Group 1 puh. 040 621 3851
Group 2 puh. 040 800 4117
Group 3 puh. 040 800 4116
German-language pre-school education puh. 040 535 2190
Vice Principal Pekka Pyykkönen (German-language pre-school)
Address: Ketarantie 4 E
Contact details for pre-school groups: Tampereen kristillinen koulu
Address: Muotialantie 79–81
[email protected] / p. 050 322 9945
Contact details for pre-school groups: Tampere Steiner school
Vuores Comprehensive School – Vuores Schoolhouse
Contact information for service managers of early childhood education and pre-school education
School pathways: Hatanpää, Vuores, Normaalikoulu, Etelä-Hervanta, Ahvenisjärvi, Kaukajärvi, private schools in the area
Tanja Moisala
The head of early childhood education and careSchool pathways: Tesoma, Kaarila, Wivi Lönn, Lielahti, Juhannuskylä, The Finnish International School of Tampere, private schools in the area
Pia Mikkola
The head of early childhood education and careSchool pathways: Kämmenniemi, Takahuhti, Sampo, Linnainmaa, Erho-yksikkö, private schools in the area