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Support for families in early childhood education and care

The aim of early childhood education is to work together with the child and the child's parent or other guardian to promote the child's balanced development and overall well-being and to support the parent or other guardian in their educational work (Early Childhood Education Act 3§ 10).

Early Childhood Education Act 540/2018 - Original legislation - FINLEX ® 

Support for families in early childhood education is a threshold-free, preventive and short-term strengthening of family well-being as an early childhood education service.

Early childhood education and care specialists support the families of early childhood education and care clients in a variety of parenting, parenting and family life situations. Through discussion and varied work, the family's resources, interaction skills and personal agency are strengthened. There is no issue so small or so big that we cannot pause to discuss it together.

Family well-being is also strengthened in cooperation with early childhood education staff and other family centre workers. Early Childhood Specialists provide consultative support to early childhood staff where necessary.

You can reach the Early Childhood Specialists by phone or email. The meeting can take place in the early childhood education and care unit or in another meeting place. It is also possible to have a discussion by telephone or via Teams.

Jenni Suvisalmi
Southern service area Varhaiskasvatuksen erityissosionomi
041 730 1424
Ann-Mari Leino
Western service area Varhaiskasvatuksen erityissosionomi
041 730 3248
Olga-Maria Karjalainen
Eastern service area Varhaiskasvatuksen erityissosionomi
041 730 6867
Updated 25.6.2024