Library in other languages

Welcome to the library!
The library is for everyone: children, young people, women and men. The library is a peaceful place. You can meet friends and study in the library.
Use of the library is free of charge. Library staff are here to help you.
You can use the library's computer and internet free of charge. The libraries have wireless internet access. Printing and copying costs money.
The library has a range of books for children and adults. Non-fiction and fiction books are available in Finnish, English, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, Chinese, Turkish and many other languages. The library also has magazines, films, music and games.
You can find Finnish language study books in the library. There are also easy-to-read books. They are written in easy Finnish.
Library card
The library card is free of charge. You need a library card when you borrow from the library or use a computer. You can get a library card when you show a photo ID. Children under 15 years of age need a parent or guardian's signature on the form to apply for a library card.
The library card is personal. Don't let anyone else use it. If you lose your card, report it to the library right away. The library card has a PIN code. You will need a PIN code, for example, when you use the library's services online.
Lending and returning
The loan period:
- two weeks (films, console games, magazines, e-books, musical instruments)
- four weeks (books, language courses, music)
When you borrow, you get a receipt. You are responsible for the loans. The receipt will tell you what the return date is, i.e. the due date. If you want to extend your loan period, you can renew your loans.
You can return the loans to any PIKI library. When you return, you do not need a library card. If you return your loans late, you will have to pay a late fee.
When you renew loans or reserve material, you will need a library card and PIN code. Reserving material is free of charge.
By following the library's rules, you are allowed to use the library's services.
Magazines and books in other languages
PressReader is a magazine and newspaper service on the internet. You can read newspapers from different countries in over 60 languages. Log in with your library card and PIN code.
Multilingual Library
The library orders books in several languages from the Multilingual Library.
You can request to borrow books from the Multilingual Library through your own library. Ask your library for more information.
Tampere City Library does not charge a fee if the order is placed with the Multilingual Library.
Libraries organise many events for children and adults. Events in the library are free of charge. Check out the library's upcoming events on the library's website.
Meet a library ambassador
Voluntary library ambassadors offer help and peer support in library matters.