An overdue fee is the fee you have to pay for late material. The overdue fee starts to accrue as soon as the due date has passed. The loan period ends at the end of the library's opening hours. For items borrowed from the mobile libraries, the overdue fee starts to be charged two weeks after the due date.
- Overdue fee for adult items €0,30/loan/calendar day
- Overdue fee for fast circulation Vippi items €0,50/loan/calendar day
The overdue fee starts to build up immediately after the due date and can be up to €9 per loan or loan renewal.
The library does not charge overdue fees for items borrowed from the children and teens section, and for children under 15 fees are only charged for overdue Vippi loans.
No fees are charged to individuals and organisations using the library's home service. No late fees or reservation fees are charged to other libraries for interlibrary loan service.
Overdue warnings and loss of borrowing rights
- Overdue warning €1/piece.
- The first overdue warning of reserved material is free of charge.
The library sends out three overdue warnings of unreturned loans. The fee for overdue warnings will be charged regardless of the method of delivery. After the three overdue warnings have been sent, the outstanding loans will be handed over to the dept collection agency of the City of Tampere. The customer will then pay the costs of the collection agency.
You will lose your right to borrow if you have outstanding fees of €15 or more.
Payment of fees
You can pay late fees by card at most libraries (except Koukkuniemi, Nekala and Terälahti). Cash payments are accepted at the Main library Metso and the libraries in Hervanta, Koilliskeskus and Tesoma. You can also pay Tampere City Library fees online at the PIKI online library. Payments of less than €1 cannot be made online.