75+ exercise

Balance group in Nääshalli.

Despite the title, the groups are open to everyone. The groups are suitable for persons whose ability to function has decreased and they are also suitable for people who use mobility aids. Possible to participate with a personal assistant. The objective of the exercise groups is to maintain and improve the musculoskeletal system and balance as well as to offer recreation and an opportunity to make new friends.

Veterans can participate in the groups free of charge.

Descriptions of groups

Gym training

At the gym, you can strengthen various muscle groups using the gym equipment. An instructor-led group class (70 min) includes warm-up and cool-down exercises. 

Balance groups

The groups practise the skills needed for good balance and confident movements. Suitable for both men and women. Participants can also bring a personal assistant. A large selection of equipment is used for the training.

Chair workout

In this group, the participants exercise both standing up and sitting on a chair. During the class (30 minutes), they practise endurance, muscular fitness, balance and similar.


Hydrobics is a safe form of exercise that burns calories efficiently and is also suitable for beginners. Hydrobics classes are available for different levels of fitness from a basic workout to deep water classes. Class duration is 30 minutes.

The registration system

You can enrol in the groups electronically using the registration system. Participants will be accepted in the order of enrolment until the groups are full.

Updated 3.1.2023