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Digital working environment

Tietokoneella työskentelyä.

High school lessons use electronic learning platforms and materials, as well as special programmes, internet materials and social media for working and information gathering. Using computers or other devices for leisure or non-school purposes during the lessons is forbidden.


Wilma is the official information channel of the school which students are expected to follow daily. Guardians should also follow it regularly during the academic year. Both students and guardians can communicate with teachers via Wilma.

Students will receive their Wilma ID and password when they enroll at the high school. (Wilma ID = [email protected]) and a password. Guardians will also receive a username and a password in August – September. The Wilma ID and password are personal for both the student as well as for their guardian. Upload a user-friendly Wilma application to your smart phone.

Course selections, course grades, teachers’ instant messages, the school’s announcements, PE teachers’ course programmes, as well as student absences can be seen on Wilma. Also, all kinds of application forms which are needed in a special situation or when something is changing are done electronically on Wilma (e.g. enrolling for the matriculation exam and retake exams).

Guardians should follow student absences and explain reasons for them on Wilma, apply for release from school e.g. for a holiday, communicate with teachers and read the school’s announcements. Both students and guardians can use Wilma to send instant messages to teachers.

Guardians will have access to Wilma until the student is eighteen. A student can permit guardians to continue accessing Wilma by completing an online form.

Students can sign in to computers linked to the high school teaching network with their Wilma ID and password. The sign in ID is ad\wilma.username (a backslash can usually be found on the keyboard next to the plus mark and you can get it by typing Alt Gr and +).

With your Wilma ID and password you can also sign in to electronic services: Wilma, Moodle, Office365 and Toki library’s electronic materials.

Wireless network

There is a wireless network in our school. You can sign in with your Wilma ID. Please log out whenever you are not using the connection to avoid overloading it. It is recommended that you avoid continuous exposure to 4G and WLAN radiation. Even a small distance from the devices decreases the exposure. The school’s wireless network can be used for study free of charge.


  1. Send your file to [email protected]
  2. You will receive a reply containing a PIN code, which you will enter into the photocopier in the 4th floor next to elevator and class door 424.
  3. After you have entered the PIN code, printing should start automatically.

Electronic services and programmes

The Tampere Vocational College Tredu produces several electronic services for high school students. You can find them from page Set Startti as a starting page or as a bookmark in your browser.


Moodle is an electronic learning platform used on many courses. Sign in to Moodle with your Wilma username and password. Students will also need a course key which will be given by the teacher.


The student can save study-related files in their personal cloud on OneDrive, and the files will remain saved even if something happens to their computer. The files can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Although OneDrive offers unlimited saving space, individual files can be no larger than 15 GB.

Office365 also offers Outlook email to students. The address is usually [email protected] depending on the form of the Wilma user ID.

Office365 also includes other tools such as the Sway presentation programme, Opetuksen Areena pages, as well as the Teams workspace where teachers and students can share materials and work together.

Documents saved in the Office365 cloud, in Moodle or in other services provided by the school will remain saved for 7 months after the right of study has expired. After that time, documents will be removed according to general data protection regu lations. Student must save the documents themselves when they graduate.

All students in Tampere high schools can download Office 365 ProPlus to their own computer for free for the period of their studies. Office 365 ProPlus includes programmes such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook.

Office365 can be downloaded at

The TOKI library

Electronic materials from the education library can be accessed with your Wilma user ID. Remote access links have been listed on the e-materials page. Take advantage of e-books, the Helsingin Sanomat, Aamulehti, Iltalehti and Kauppalehti newspaper archives, as well as dictionaries in English, French, Russian, Italian and German. In Toki there are also lists of links to useful internet resources.

Updated 10.6.2024