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A drawing in the hands of a child, showing a smiling girl and the Ukrainian and Finnish flags.

Those fleeing Ukraine can apply for a right to a municipality of residence with an online form

When a person fleeing Ukraine has resided in Finland with a residence permit for temporary protection for one year, they can apply for a right to a municipality of residence. Applying for a municipality of residence is voluntary.

It is possible to apply for a right to a municipality of residence to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency if certain criteria are met. An electronic form will become available on 1 March 2023 on the Agency’s website at .

Upon obtaining the right, the Ukrainian refugee becomes an official resident of the municipality or city they applied for. Once they have a right to a municipality of residence, they will become a customer of the services of the municipality of their choice and a customer of the social and health care services of the appropriate wellbeing services county, and they will no longer be covered by the services of a reception centre.

A person who has been granted the right to a municipality of residence has the same rights and obligations as permanent residents of Finland. This gives the person the right to subjective, municipal early childhood education and care and the right to social and health care services in the wellbeing services county. The person is subject to general tax liability and compulsory education. In addition, they become entitled to housing-based benefits of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela).

More detailed information for those who have fled Ukraine is available in the online service also in Ukrainian. InfoFinland's extensive knowledge base will be completed and updated as necessary.

In addition, various authorities have brought together information on applying for a municipality of origin and how it affects Ukrainians' lives in Finland. The brochure summarises in a visual format the most important things to consider. The brochure is available for download in Finnish and Ukrainian, among other languages:

Did you know that you can translate the texts on the website into different languages using the translation tool? This is how it works:
From any text on the website, select the passage you want to translate using your mouse. Once the text is selected, a tool with action links will open. Click on Translate. Then select the language in which you want the text to be translated.

Чи знали ви, що тексти на сайті можна перекладати різними мовами за допомогою інструменту перекладу? Ось як це працює:
З будь-якого тексту на сайті виберіть за допомогою миші уривок, який ви хочете перекласти. Після того, як текст буде вибрано, відкриється інструмент з посиланнями на дії. Натисніть на Перекласти. Потім виберіть мову, на яку ви хочете перекласти текст.

Diverse information available in the online service

The multilingual online service is a collection of important information for those who have fled Ukraine. The website contains more detailed instructions on moving to Finland, settling in and living here as well as employment and normal daily life in Finland, also by locality. This page contains extracts from the most relevant information collected in the infobank.

Further information in Ukrainian

Updated 24.2.2025