
Takonraitti is a scenic route in the plans for the western bank of Tammerkoski Rapids, running along the Tako factory waterfront. This pedestrian connection will complement the network of waterfront routes in the city centre, and it is projected to run above the rapids from the Mokkapuisto park to Kehräsaari, opening up a stretch of the Tammerkoski waterfront that was previously closed to the public to be used by Tampere residents and tourists.

Takonraitti is a significant addition to the connections in the western city centre. The route connects the existing waterfront routes with each other and makes travelling between various areas smoother. The new pedestrian route will also improve the accessibility of the shops and services in Kehräsaari and on Värjärinkuja, in addition to increasing the recreational use of the Tammerkoski waterfront.

A preliminary survey into the feasibility of Takonraitti was presented in an ideas plan drawn up in 2020. The local detailed plan amendment that enables the construction of the route was initiated in late 2022. Since the planning area is located within the Tammerkoski built cultural heritage environment of national significance, special emphasis in the project is placed on values related to the cityscape.

The detailed planning for Takonraitti is currently underway. You can familiarize yourself with the plans and materials in more detail on the local detailed plan page. (In Finnish)

The network of waterfront routes in the Tampere city centre is being enhanced as part of the Five-Star City Centre development programme. Waterfront routes running from Lake Näsijärvi to Lake Pyhäjärvi make travel between the various city districts smoother, improve the accessibility of the city’s waterfront areas and increase the recreational use of the lakes and the shorelines.

Takonraitti continues the waterfront route on the western bank of Tammerkoski Rapids

Takonraitti planning and implementation schedule

Mikko Siitonen
Project Development Manager
041 730 3249
Altti Moisala
Planning Architect
044 431 4369
Updated 11.2.2025