Tesoma Welfare Centre

Tesoman hyvinvointikeskuksen infopisteellä hymyilevä työntekijä ojentaa esitettä asiakkaalle.

The Tesoma Welfare Centre is in the same building as the Westeri Business Centre. The main entrance to the Welfare Centre is on Tesomankatu, but you can also get there from the Westeri lobby via an escalator.

The Tesoma Welfare Centre offers a wide range of services under one roof. In addition to a library, youth centre, a social and health centre, a dental clinic, a maternity and child health clinic and various other counselling services, there is also a community café.

The community café hosts a wide range of events. These are announced at the advice and guidance desk on the first floor of the welfare centre and on the notice board next to it.

The services of the Tesoma Welfare Centre are organised by the City of Tampere, The Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa and Setlementti Tampere. All services are public services.

Tesoman hyvinvointikeskus

Tesomankatu 4 33310 Tampere
postiosoite Tesoman valtatie 35
044 4235590 (puhelin, maksuton)

Further information

Raija Kotilainen
Tesoma Community café
050 469 9783

The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/tesomawelfarecentre

Updated 6.9.2024