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Technical Creativity Award

The Technical Creativity Award has been discontinued by decision of the City Board on the 20 January 2025.

Read more about the decision (in Finnish)

The City of Tampere has presented awards for technical creativity since 1981. With the award, the city wishes to highlight the importance of creativity and innovations for the business sector of Tampere. The prize is EUR 5,000, and the award ceremony takes place each year in connection with the Tampere Smart City Week.

Technical creativity can be seen as a feature that extensively covers different fields of engineering and technology. The developed application can be a technical device or, for example, a more intangible information system, as long as it is characterised by some unique or creative feature that makes it significant in its own field.

The committee will present the award to a Tampere-based person or working group (not a company). You can put yourself forward as a candidate, and this will not impact the evaluation process. In its assessment, the award committee will consider the commercial success of the innovation or the future commercial potential. The purpose of the award is not to support scientific work.

The innovation should be described in as much detail as possible and in common terms, so that its purpose of use can be understood. Candidates are recommended to attach illustrative material, such as videos, photographs, brochures, and links, to the application.

More information on the next candidate search and how to apply

Email addresses are generally in the format [email protected] unless otherwise specified for the person.

Kirsi Nyman
Executive Assistant
040 355 9107
Updated 28.2.2025