The International Gender Equality Prize can be awarded to an individual person, who will donate the prize to a cause that has made significant contributions towards promoting gender equality in a globally significant way. The prize can also be awarded to an organisation fulfilling the same criteria. In 2023 the prize amounts to EUR 300,000.
The International Gender Equality Prize is awarded every two years. The award was established in 2017 by the Government of Finland to celebrate Finland’s 100th anniversary of independence. The City of Tampere has had a significant role in planning of the prize concept, and it is responsible of the coordination process in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
In 2021, Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin handed the prize to We Will Stop Femicide Platform, an organisation that does groundbreaking work combating violence against women in Turkey and whose work has a global relevance.
Nominations will be accepted until 12 June 2023. An independent international jury will review the submissions. The prize winner will be revealed at a gala held at the end of 2023 in Tampere, Finland. Submit your proposal in English at the prize's website.