Puistofiesta brought activities and hobbies to Hämeenpuisto boulevard

On Sunday 6 August, Hämeenpuisto boulevard was filled with live music, various activities and happy atmosphere. Visitors were treated to a variety of hobby experiments, as well as stage performances ranging from live music to magic shows.

This year the Puistofiesta event featured 90 different activity points organized by companies, organizations and associations. Visitors could try out, for example, cheerleading, fencing and crafts, as well as take part in quizzes and games. 

‒ Puistofiesta attracted thousands of people to the Hämeenpuisto boulevard to test out new hobbies, enjoy performances and celebrate the new route of Tampere Tram, says Matilda Salminen, Event Producer of Tampere City.

The audience was entertained by children's music duo Höpinätötterö, boys' choir Pirkanpojat and the Darlingbee band, among others. During the event, the new route of Tampere Tram was also celebrated. The Santalahti Tramway Celebration featured performances by Nuppu Aries and the Kipinät-Viihdekuoro. The event was hosted by Simo Frangén. 

Further information

Matilda Toriseva
Event Producer
040 586 6453
Text: Ilona Reinikainen
Photos: Mikko Vares
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