Give Christmas joy to the elderly – participate in the Christmas Post to the Elderly campaign

Tampere is participating in the national Christmas Post to the Elderly campaign. During the campaign, Tampere residents will make Christmas cards to be distributed before Christmas to elderly people living in home care or service homes. You can bring your own Christmas greetings to collection points across the city from 13 November to 4 December 2023.

The Christmas Post to the Elderly campaign allows individuals, hobby groups, day-care centres, school classes, student groups, associations, workplace staff and others to make Christmas cards to older people they do not know. The national campaign is organised by Siskot ja Simot Association, a creative community of carers.

Cards can be brought during the campaign from November 13 to December 4, 2023 to collection points all over Tampere.

The cards will be distributed to elderly people in Tampere by the staff of the home care and housing services of the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa.

– You can make your own cards or use ready-made cards. The style of the illustration is free. The main thing is a warm atmosphere and a friendly message, says Tiina Santala, who coordinates the campaign in Tampere.

You can write a short or longer Christmas greeting or even a poem on the card. The simplest greeting is "Hyvää joulua!" (Merry Christmas). You can sign it with your first name and the name of the campaign organiser, "Siskot ja Simot ry".

Christmas Post to the Elderly - collection points in community spaces in Tampere

Please check the opening hours of the collection point before you go to drop off your cards.

• Kansalaistalo Mansikkapaikka, Pikkusaarenkuja 2, 33410 Tampere
• Kaukaharjun lähitori, Keskisenkatu 13–15, 33710 Tampere
• Keinupuiston lähitori, Orivedenkatu 28, 33720 Tampere
• Kuuselan lähitori, Nuolialantie 46, 33900 Tampere
• Kyttälän lähitori, Tuomiokirkonkatu 22, 33100 Tampere
• Lielahden kartanon aula, Tehdaskartanonkatu 38, 33400 Tampere
• Lielahden lähitori, Antti Possin kuja 1, 33400 Tampere
• Peurankallion lähitori, Peurankallionkatu 10, 33230 Tampere
• Pirkanmaan Kotitori, Frenckellinaukio 2 B, 33100 Tampere
• Pispan lähitori, Simolankatu 4, 33270 Tampere
• Rientolan Setlementti, Federleynkatu 19, 33400 Tampere
• Taatalan lähitori, Sulkavuorenkatu 6, 33820 Tampere
• Tammelan lähitori, Itsenäisyydenkatu 21 B, 33500 Tampere


Edited 1.11.2023. Added new collection points to the list.

Further information

Tiina Santala
Project Manager
040 159 1588
Text: Johanna Kurela
Photos: Tiina Santala
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