Tell us which music star should be awarded a star on The Walk of Fame Finland
Located near Tampere Hall on Åkerlundinkatu, 30 stars currently shine on The Walk of Fame Finland. Every year, 5 to 8 new stars are added based on suggestions from the public. Now is your chance to share your opinion on the names to be added this year. Suggest your favourite as a recipient of a star tile by 31 May 2024 by using the open online form.
You can propose any person or group that influences or has influenced the industry: artists, bands, musicians, lyricists, composers and music producers, as well as representatives of organisations or institutions.
The Board of the Music x Media event will nominate the candidates based on the suggestions received from the public. The Board consists of seasoned music industry professionals. The final decision will be made by the City of Tampere's Cultural and Leisure Committee.
The recipients will be revealed on the Walk of Fame and through city communications on Friday 27 September and celebrated at the Music x Media event's Industry Awards gala on 4 October 2024.
The Walk of Fame Finland is a broad representation of the music industry
The stars added to the Walk of Fame represent various music styles and areas of activity in the music sector. The selection process takes into account nationwide impact, diversity and equality, for example in terms of gender and age.
The significance of Tampere's music heritage is also emphasised.
Based on proposals from the public, last year's recipients were Vesa-Matti "Vesku" Loiri, HIM, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Kikka, Antti Tuisku, Maija Vilkkumaa and Anna-Mari Kähärä.
Previous years' recipients include Jean Sibelius, Kaija Saariaho, Juice Leskinen, Popeda, Cheek, Katri Helena, Epe Helenius, Tapio Korjus, Eppu Normaali, Nightwish, Karita Mattila, Ismo Alanko, Paula Koivuniemi, Mikko Alatalo, Yö, Värttinä, Kaija Koo, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Jaakko Kuusisto, Hanoi Rocks, Erja Lyytinen, Heikki Salo and Marion Rung.
The Walk of Fame Finland has been created in cooperation between the City of Tampere, Tampere Hall, Bauer Media and Music x Media, a professional event in the creative fields.