Are You a resident of Hervanta, Multisilta, Peltolammi or Tesoma? Tell us opinion about your neighbourhoods!
The City of Tampere wants to keep its old residential areas in order to keep them prosperous and attractive for residents and those moving into them. For this reason, there have been neighbourhood programmes in Peltolammi, Multisilta and Tesoma in recent years and currently in Kaukajärvi and Annala. In addition, the Hervanta area is an area that needs to be developed both now and in the future. The answers to this questionnaire will be used to support the long-term development of the areas.
The link to the residents' survey can be found at the bottom of the news and can be filled in in Finnish or English. In addition, a paper questionnaire can be filled in on the spot at the following locations:
• Hervanta Library (Insinöörinkatu 38)
• Hervanta Community Center L8 (Lindforsinkatu 8)
• Naistari (Lindforsinkatu 4)
• Wellfare Center (Tesomankatu 4)
• Peltolammi Library (Säästäjänkatu 16)
• Multisilta Community Counselling (Suklis, Multisillankatu 1)
- We aim to reach as many people as possible in the regions. We hope that as many people as possible will be able to complete the survey electronically, but you can also fill in a paper form at the above-mentioned locations," says Henna Kuitunen, Neighbourhood Development Coordinator.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous, which means that the answers will be treated confidentially and the results will not identify individual respondents. Those who respond will be entered into a prize draw for small grocery store gift cards.
More information on neighbourhood development will be available, for example, at the Tampere Resident´s Evenings in the areas concerned, which will be held in the autumn.