Follow the temperature and algae data of Tampere's bathing waters in the map service

As last summer, up-to-date temperature data for the bathing waters at Tampere's beaches can be followed from 3 June to 11 August in Outdoor Exercise Services. The map-based services also provide information on the blue-green algae situation at beaches.

Tampere has 14 public beaches and 20 small public beaches. The data for the map services is provided by Tampere Infra, which carries out regular inspections of the beaches. Inspections monitor the condition of beach equipment, cleanliness, water temperature and possible blue-green algae. Blue-green algae are monitored by sensory means. 
Bathing water temperature and blue-green algae data are updated by Outdoor Exercise Services for the busiest beaches, but also for smaller bathing sites as and when they are inspected. A warning sign is always placed at the beach if algae are detected. 

Lifeguards at Pyynikki beach – summer cleaners for other beaches

On the busiest beaches, summer cleaners have been hired to work there during the week. Lifeguards with life-saving skills are on duty at Pyynikki beach on weekdays from 10.30 to 18.00.
During the summer, 3–4 samples of bathing water are taken from the beaches, depending on the number of visitors to the beach. Swimming water samples are tested in a laboratory for their hygienic quality, i.e. the amount of intestinal bacteria in the water. The water quality of the beaches is monitored by the City of Tampere's health protection unit. In Tampere, visits to the beach are carried out and water samples are taken by Tampere Infra. The results are posted at the beaches and on the City of Tampere website. 

Pyynikki's accessible swimming beach now open 

A new accessible swimming beach at Pyynikki Beach was opened on Monday 3 June. The beach has facilities for entering the water using a ramp,  This summer, a new maintenance building has also been opened at Pyynikki beach, providing changing rooms and toilets for beach visitors. The changing rooms and toilets in the maintenance building are open on weekdays from 7.00 to 20.00. 

Tampere Service Point

Frenckellinaukio 2 B 33100 Tampere
Customer Service 041 7308168 (phone, local/mobile network fee)
Text: Satu Lähteenmäki
Photos: Satu Jarva
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