Siina Levonoja - The Underwater Lifeforms And My Inner Mind 29.6. – 21.7.2024.

The exhibition exposes Siina Levonoja’s ceramic sculptures and reliefs from years 2019-2024. The first sculptures sprang up from the enchantment of the coral reefs. Over years, the sculptures began to create their own world, using elements from the artist’s dreams, tempers and longing.

-When I was a kid I had a 60 liter aquarium. I watched the fish and I dreamed of being a fish. This surreal longing toward lives in other realities and dimensions have stayed in me. The longing over the edge, behind the mirror, to the unknown reality. The dream of diving under the water surface, and to meet with the others.

-Siina Levonoja

Siina Levonoja is a visual artist who lives and works in Helsinki. Themes in her work often deal with animals, animal ethics and living environments shared with humans and animals. Levonoja’s diverse practice includes performative interventions and installations, interspecies art and sculpture. The closest material to her is fired and unfired clay.

Levonoja graduated with an MA from Aalto University (ARTS), Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) in 2019. Besides private collectors, The State Art Commission and Aalto University Student Foundation have Levonoja’s works in their collections. She is a member of Muu ry and Helsinki Artists Association. 

The exhibition is on display at Galleria Muuntotila 29.6. - 21.7.

Galleria Muuntotila is open Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat-Sun 12-18.

Free entry.

Galleria Muuntotila

Lielahti Manor, 1st floor

Tehdaskartanonkatu 38

Text: Siina Levonoja ja Marko Järvinen
Photos: Siina Levonoja
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