Tampere to reform research funding model

In the autumn, the City of Tampere will introduce a new model for funding research projects and programmes. The Committee for Competence and Economic Development decided on the matter on 21 August 2024.

The decision allocates EUR 120,000 to the introduction of a model for joint RDI and learning (TKIO) in the City of Tampere and the funding of research projects and programmes selected on the basis of the programme during 2024. TKIO Is an abbreviation for the Finnish phrase ‘tutkimus-, kehitys-, innovaatio- ja opetusyhteistyö’ (research, development, innovation and learning cooperation).

The partnership between the City of Tampere  and its higher education community (Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences) was deepened in 2020 with the first strategic partnership agreement. The partnership agreement sets out a number of operational, research and education priorities as a basis for cooperation. The agreement was updated in October 2022. The current agreement will run until the end of 2025. 

In the past, scientific research has been funded by grants both from the city's Science Grants Committee and from the Committee for Competence and Economic Development. Grants have been awarded to universities in order to promote scientific activities, such as co-funding professorships in different fields.  

The aim is to build and pilot a new model of collaboration in autumn 2024 and increase the impact of the City of Tampere’s research funding. The committee may continue to award grants for scientific purposes that are important to the city, such as co-funding professorships. In the autumn, funding will be allocated to research projects built around the theme Access to skilled labour.

Cooperation between the City of Tampere and the Tampere higher education community is important in order to strengthen the competitiveness and vitality of the region,  promote internationalisation and develop a student-friendly city. Effective and efficient research collaboration will enable the city to develop and thrive. 

Further information

Nina Suvinen
Senior specialist
040 620 1545
Ilkka Sasi
Deputy Mayor
040 186 8474
Pekka Salmi
050 565 8898
Text: Johanna Toivanen
Photos: Laura Vanzo
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