Nearly 500 new or renewed bicycle parking spaces introduced in the centre of Tampere

Bicycle parking spaces are located near services and attractions
One of the areas for improvement was the southern side of the Ratina shopping centre, where residents had voted for more bicycle parking when asked about minor improvements for walking and cycling. All new and renewed bicycle parking spaces are easily accessible and as close to services and attractions as possible. All bicycle racks allow for frame locking.
Covered and illuminated bicycle parking spaces next to public transport stops
In addition to the new parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces were also improved in the vicinity of seven public transport stops – a total of 98 spaces that allow for frame locking. New bicycle parking spaces have been introduced in the neighbourhoods of Vuores, Kalkku and Holvasti, among others. The parking spaces are covered and illuminated.
Hundreds of bicycle parking spaces to be added next year
The City of Tampere will also improve bicycle parking as a separate project next year by adding an estimated 350 bicycle parking places in the city centre and close to public transport stops. Bicycle parking will also be included in the renovation of streets and parks and the construction of new areas.
Development started in the city centre, moving to other districts in the coming years
Increasing and upgrading bicycle parking is based on the general plan for bicycle parking approved by the City Planning and Infrastructure Services Committee in 2023. The plan guides the systematic and intentional implementation of bicycle parking for the next 5–10 years. The development of bicycle parking has begun in the city centre where there is the greatest need for it. In the coming years, the focus of development will shift to other areas.
Safe bicycle parking encourages cycling
–The aim is to invest in bike parking, as safe parking of bikes is one of the key factors that encourage cycling," says Traffic Planning Officer Jukka Uusitalo from the City of Tampere.
Support from Traficom
The development of bicycle parking in the city centre and the development of park-and-ride facilities for public transport stops have received investment funding from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom for the period of 2024–2025.