Welcome to discuss the sharing economy and its opportunities for businesses on 18 February

The sharing economy is a way to reduce climate emissions from consumption. The sharing economy also offers a wide range of business opportunities.
Welcome to be inspired by entrepreneurial stories and discuss about the sharing economy as a promoter of sustainable consumption on 18 February at Tribe Tampere. The event is for anyone interested in how businesses can promote sustainable lifestyles and facilitate sustainable choices for citizens.
Our panellists come from a variety of companies that promote sustainable everyday life. Karoliina Kauhanen is one of the founders of Commun, Finland's largest helping app. Annika Viiala is a founding member of Willar, which has been involved in several sharing economy experiments. Joe Carroll comes from MorrowX, a company that aims to help other companies use supply chain data to promote sustainability.
Event is organised by the City of Tampere's Carbon Neutral Actions development program in collaboration with Tribe Tampere.
– With this event, we want to stimulate the debate on the potential of the sharing economy between citizens and businesses. We also want to encourage people to think about their own ways of owning goods. Renting and borrowing instead of buying brings many benefits to everyday life, sanoo program manager Tiina Leinonen.
The event will also provide an opportunity to hear about the support and advice Business Tampere offers to businesses. Scale up expert Tero Kyckling will be present.
The event will be held in English.
16:30 Pizza and refreshments
17:00 Facilitated discussion - entrepreneurs of Commu, Willari and MorrowX share their stories and experiences in sharing economy
18:00 Ideation: brainstorming and gather ideas how the city could support businesses that promote the sharing economy