Tampere residents value and actively use cultural services

The 2024 Tampere cultural services' resident survey explored residents' views and expectations regarding the development of cultural services. The survey received 898 responses, and the results indicate that city-provided cultural services are highly valued—as many as 91% of respondents consider them important.

Conducted every two years, the survey was available in Finnish, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Persian, and Arabic. 20 % of respondents answered in other languages than Finnish.

A total of 91% of respondents consider it important or very important that the City of Tampere offers and maintains cultural services.

Cultural service usage remains high

A majority (92%) of respondents use cultural services, with 62% engaging at least twice a month. The most active users tend to be older individuals and those born in Finland. Libraries were highlighted as the most valued and frequently used cultural services, but museums and art exhibitions were also considered highly significant. While most age groups prioritize the same services, younger respondents place city events and festivals above museums in importance.

The main reasons for using cultural services are bringing joy and variety to everyday life, spending time with family and friends, enhancing well-being and quality of life, and personal growth - with the first three motivations cited by over 90% of respondents.

The main barriers to cultural participation include lack of time or interest and high costs. Among respondents born abroad, language proficiency was a significant challenge. Lower ticket prices, better access to information, social opportunities, and improved transport connections were identified as factors that could encourage greater participation.

Digital cultural services are especially popular among foreign-born residents

Interest in digital cultural content has remained stable since 2022. Respondents born abroad are more interested in digital cultural offerings than others, with particular demand for music-related content and local history resources. 54% of all respondents expect their use of digital cultural services to increase over the next few years.

Affordability and accessibility are key development priorities

According to the survey, residents strongly desire affordable or free cultural services to ensure accessibility for all. Other key development needs include improved public transport, more accessible venues, increased international and multicultural programming, and better communication about smaller events.

The preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, including historic buildings, are seen as important aspects of Tampere's appeal. Overall, respondents appreciate the city's diverse and high-quality cultural offerings, considering them an integral part of Tampere’s identity. Many believe that Tampere should be marketed as a city of culture.

Further information

Anna Szalay
Head of Development
Text: Marjo Vihavainen
Photos: Laura Vanzo / Visit Tampere
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