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Annala Daycare Centre

Annala Daycare Centre

Annala Daycare Centre offers early childhood education in a natural environment in seven groups. Pre-primary education is organised at Annala School.

In the pedagogic approach of Annala Daycare Centre, methods that respect the child’s preferred way of doing things are emphasised. The small-group activity that we implement supports the inclusion of the children. The learning environment creates opportunities for interaction and the joy of succeeding. Pre-primary education works in cooperation with primary education.

Kolunkatu 2 33710 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 044 4811004 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Riitta Sirola
A manager of an ECEC centre
044 481 1004
Niina Kangaspunta
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 778 9884
Sari Isotalo
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
041 730 0756


Updated 29.11.2024