Contact information for the groups situated in the home areas
The daycare centre is open Mon–Fri 6.00–17.00 (If necessary until 18.00 if booked in advance)
Home area Satulehto
Tammet tel. 040 097 7624
Lehmukset tel. 040 738 5696
Home area Taikalehto
Poppelit (integrated group) tel. 040 738 5917
Vaahterat p. 040 738 5459
Home area Havumetsä
Kuuset tel.. 040 738 5913
Männyt (evening and weekend group) tel. 040 764 4932
Home area Lehtimetsä
Koivut tel. 040 738 5915
Pihlajat tel. 040 738 5912
Pre-primary education
tel. 040 664 5339
tel. 040 801 6698
tel. 040 664 7897
tel. 040 621 1338
tel.. 044 486 3485