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Haukiluoma Daycare Centre

Haukiluoma Daycare Centre

Haukiluoma is a daycare centre opened in 2019 in West Tampere. It has 160 places for children. The children work in four areas on two floors. All the areas are sibling groups in which the children's age distribution is 1–5 years. However, both downstairs areas have separate groups for children under 3 years old. The centre also has an integrated special needs group.

Haukiluoma daycare centre has ideal opportunities for pedagogical activity. It contains many different rooms that are open and beautiful. Eating takes place in the shared canteen and physical exercise in a large hall. The courtyard of the daycare centre also allows for a variety of activities and there are good spots for excursions in the surrounding area, including lovely wooded landscapes.

Runkokatu 5 33340 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 040 7061192 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Jaana Kuittinen
A manager of an ECEC centre
040 706 1192
Sari Hepo-Oja-Ohtola
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 620 7787
Mari Luhtalampi
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
050 337 1284


Updated 29.1.2025