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Kalevanharju daycare centre

Kalevanharju daycare centre

The Kalevanharju daycare centre is made up of three separate buildings working around the same yard. Our focus is on supporting and empowering a child’s growth, development, and learning together with the guardians. In our daily planning, we emphasize the child’s participation and right to be heard, group working skills, as well as a communal atmosphere. The pre-primary education group is located at the Sairaalankatu schoolhouse, part of Sampo school.

At Onnela, the Kalevanharju daycare centre provides two groups for children in need of special support; the integrated small group Menninkäiset and the special group Hippiäiset. These groups provide rehabilitative early childhood education and care for children with special difficulties with learning or neurological development or issues with communication and interaction. Onnela also houses the sibling groups Käpyset and Tiitiäiset.

At Kalevanharju’s other building, Arvola, the Unikot group is made up of children under three years old and Esikot of those aged over three.

In Kalevanharju's Harjula, there are Leppikset and Mehiläiset for under 3-year-olds, as well as sister groups Koppikset and Korennot.

At the Sairaalankatu office of Sammo school, there is a pre-school group Sinisiivet for children living on the school path of Sammo school.

Pre-school special group Kultasiivet phone 040 5058395 The Kultasiivet group is on Sammo's school path for preschoolers who need special support in their learning.

Sairaalankatu 3 33100 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 040 8062842 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Tiina Pyykkö
A manager of an ECEC centre
040 806 2842
Kati Nelimarkka
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 621 1139
Leena Lehmuskenttä
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
040 801 2706


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Updated 10.2.2025