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Kisapuisto Daycare Centre

Kisapuisto Daycare Centre

Kisapuisto's early childhood education unit is located in South Hervanta on the grounds of the old Kisapuisto daycare centre and school. Our early childhood education unit offers early childhood education for children aged 0-5 in twelve children's groups. Two of these groups are integrated special groups. We are open on weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and, if necessary, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The premises of our early education unit are divided into two floors. On both floors there are facilities for six home areas. In addition, there is a dining room and a gym on the ground floor. In our unit, we have invested in versatile and adaptable spaces, so that the learning environments serve the children's needs in the best possible way. We work in small groups, and the facilities enable smooth working in small groups. The children eat and go outside in stages, so that a calm atmosphere is maintained even in the shared spaces. In our facilities, we have tried to take into account the number of sensory stimuli and opportunities for children to calm down have been created. We have tried to leave the original nature in our outdoor areas, which encourages children to play, explore and exercise.

Our activities are based on the national early childhood education plan and the children's individual needs and interests. In our unit's operations, we place particular emphasis on supporting interaction and emotional skills as well as language skills. Our central operating method is play, which promotes the child's development, learning and well-being and brings joy to the child. Through play, the child can go on a journey of imagination to different situations, feelings and thoughts. The employees of the early childhood education unit help and support the child in the world of play.

Welcome to Kisapuisto's early childhood education unit to learn and get excited!

Teräskatu 1 33720 Tampere
Daycare centre manager 040 3578744 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Satu Sironen
Head of Early Childhood Education and Care, staff
040 751 8930
Hanna-Mari Autioniemi
Head of the Early Childhood Unit, Pedagogy
040 357 8744
Marjaana Henttonen
Deputy Director of the Early Childhood Education and Care Unit
040 620 7670
Matleena Takala
Deputy Director of the Early Childhood Education and Care Unit
Henna Virtanen
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
040 539 1308
Minna Unkila
Special education teacher in early childhood education and care, integrated special needs group
040 647 5265
Updated 7.2.2024