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Luhtaa Daycare Centre

Luhtaa Daycare Centre

The close interaction of children of different ages in the three different home areas of Luhta creates a sibling-like spirit and brings different learning experiences to the whole daycare centre.

Children's ideas, questions and thinking guide the planning and activities that take place in small groups.

The daycare centre is open to experimental, new and creative activities that enrich the daycare's experiential early childhood education. 100 childcare places for children aged 10 months to 6 years. The Luhtaa daycare centre is part of the Luhtaa - Kissankulma - Takahuhti complex.

Luhtaankatu 10 33560 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 040 8062641 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Raija Toikka
A manager of an ECEC centre
040 806 2641
Marika Korppi
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 806 3303


Updated 18.11.2024