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Metsäniitty daycare centre

Metsäniitty daycare centre

The Metsäniitty daycare centre and school building is home to 9 early childhood education and care groups. Two of these are for children under the age of three, two are Montessori groups, one is an integrated group, and four targeted for children between the ages of two and five. The building is also home to pre-primary education and initial basic education activities. The Karonen schoolhouse has two pre-primary education groups, one of which is a Montessori group. The work of these groups is based on learning-by-doing.

In the pedagogic approach of the Metsäniitty daycare centre, methods that respect the child’s preferred way of doing and child participation are centred. The learning environment creates opportunities for meaningful choices, fruitful interaction, and the joy of succeeding. The daycare groups operate as coupled groups, with six personnel acting in flexible cooperation both in their working hours as well as planning the groups’ activities and carrying them out in smaller groups.

Ruskontie 2 33710 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 044 4811004 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Riitta Sirola
A manager of an ECEC centre
044 481 1004
Satu Rekilä
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 775 1846
Tuula Paavola
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
050 596 7526


Updated 29.11.2024