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Mustametsä daycare centre

Mustametsä daycare centre

Mustametsä daycare centre is a modern daycare centre in Nekala. There are seven early childhood education groups in the Satumetsä downstairs and four pre-school groups in the Pöllölaakso upstairs.

In early childhood education, we operate in homearea groups of two groups of children. The safety of the children and their warm interaction and inclusion are important to us.

Mustametsä daycare centre wants to offer rich and varied early childhood education and pre-school education for every child. Experimental, insightful, exploratory and active learning and the promotion of physical activity are important elements of Mustametsä early childhood education. The values of a sustainable future underpin all activities.

Kuokkamaantie 14 33800 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 040 7776902 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Leena Laine
A manager of an ECEC centre
040 777 6902
Maija Huhtiniemi
An assistant manager of an ECEC centre
040 512 1968
Sisko Pikkumäki
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
040 806 3982
Sari Lehtoniemi
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
040 739 6227


Updated 25.11.2024