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Pellervo daycare centre

Pellervo daycare centre

The Pellervo daycare centre provides daycare in five groups. Evening-time and shift care is provided in three groups, providing care in the evenings, weekends, and round the clock. The Pellervo basic education unit, part of the Sampo school pathway, is made up of two groups. The school unit also has grade one and two classes.

Sämpsykkä 1 33540 Tampere
A manager of an ECEC centre 040 5936673 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Katja Ruusila
A manager of an ECEC centre
040 593 6673
Paula Pihlava
Varhaiskasvatuksen apulaisesihenkilö
040 097 6874
Sonja Brand
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
040 137 3725


Updated 17.12.2024