Veisu Daycare Centre
Veisu Daycare Centre
Veisu daycare centre has six groups that provide early childhood education for children aged 0–6 years and one integrated group for children aged 3–6 years. Veisu daycare centre is located in a quiet terraced house area close to Veisu Park and Ahlmann Vocational College.
Veisunkatu 80
Daycare centre manager
040 5447779
(phone, local/mobile network fee)
[email protected]
Terhi Söyrinki
Daycare centre managerPhone:
040 544 7779Mari Makkonen
Early childhood education and care assistant managerPhone:
040 620 8536Aila Vetikko
Responsible early childhood education teacher (Koivistonkylä daycare centre)Phone:
040 664 7058Riitta-Liisa Pajunen
A special education teacher in early childhood education and carePhone:
040 154 5284Phone:
040 154 5284
Updated 4.12.2023