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Vellamo Daycare Centre

Vellamo Daycare Centre

The Vellamo day care centre is a three-group "pearl in the middle of Tammela", as one family described it. The building has been completely renovated and will be reopened in summer 2022.

Vellamo follows a pedagogy of presence, which means that it is most important for us to be genuinely present for the child, to support the child's independence and holistic growth, development and learning together with the families. Every child is a precious, unique individual. We want to create a good day for the child, every day.

Play, nature and physical activity are an important part of early childhood education. Our central location and good transport connections to all parts of the city create opportunities to use Kauppi's forests, numerous playgrounds and the city's wonderful cultural services and excursion destinations as a learning environment.

Aaltosenkatu 37 33500 Tampere
Daycare centre manager 040 1524347 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Maija-Kaisa Koski
Daycare centre manager
040 152 4347
Marjut Dimitrow
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 778 6708
Sari Rantavaara
A special education teacher in early childhood education and care
040 358 0413
Updated 12.2.2025