Hatanpaan lukion opinto-opas 2024-2025.pdf
(pdf) (14.74 MB)Hatanpään lukio Study booklet 2024-2025. The study booklet is distributed to everyone at the beginning of the academic year.
(pdf) (241.75 KB)The study plan document can be used to plan your own study unit selections.
Hatanpaan lukion opetussuunnitelma 1.8.2024 alkaen.pdf
(pdf) (3.65 MB)The entire 510-page curriculum. The study unit descriptions can be most easily found on the Subjects subpages.
Lukuvuoden 2024-2025 opintojaksojen esivalinnat
(pdf) (206.42 KB)Guidelines for Pre-Selections for the Academic Year 2024-2025.