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Studying in other educational institutions

Hatanpään lukio ylioppilas

Tampere offers diverse opportunities to study outside your own upper secondary school and include completed studies in the upper secondary school curriculum. You can study in other upper secondary schools, vocational education institutions, and higher education institutions. Teaching is offered in-person, in blended formats, and remotely.

According to the Upper Secondary School Act, students have the right to count studies completed elsewhere towards their upper secondary school curriculum if they align with the goals and core content of the upper secondary school curriculum. Counting mandatory and nationally advanced courses is not problematic, but for other courses, it is advisable to confirm this in advance. The principal decides on the acceptance and equivalence of studies completed elsewhere.

It is important to negotiate the acceptance of studies in advance with the guidance counselor and principal if there is any uncertainty about whether the studies align with the curriculum. Below is a list of offerings that have been agreed upon by the education providers.

Where can I find the offerings of other educational institutions?

You can find the offerings of Tampere city high schools in Wilma (Hatanpään lukio Upper Secondary School, Sampo Upper Secondary School, Tammerkoski Upper Secondary School, Tampere Classical Upper Secondary School, Tampere lyseo Upper Secondary School, and Tampere Technical Upper Secondary School). All these upper secondary schools follow the same period boundaries and mostly the same timetables, so coordination is natural except for distances. Course registration is done through Wilma.

The course tray of Tampere City Adult Upper Secondary School can also be found in Wilma and these courses are available to upper secondary school students with certain reservations. Registration is done through Wilma.

Updated 25.2.2025