IT instructions

Personal devices on the school network
In upper secondary school lessons, digital learning environments, course books, and other learning materials are used for information retrieval and work. Upper secondary school studies also include practicing the use of the digital matriculation examination system in the Matriculation Examination Board's Abitti system. Diverse studying equips young people with skills needed in further studies and working life.
The primary tool for an upper secondary school school student is their own laptop. It must be brought to and be available during lessons. In addition to the guidelines of the Matriculation Examination Board, it is important that the laptop can function in the wireless exam network even when used with Abitti. In upper secondary school, final week exams are generally held using the Abitti system in wireless exam networks.
Refer to the guidelines of the Matriculation Examination Board for acquiring the right tool to ensure that the laptop works with the Abitti system. By following these guidelines, the student will have a tool available throughout upper secondary school that can also be used for the matriculation exams.
Abitti USB Stick
Some high school course exams are digital. For these exams, in addition to their own laptop, the student needs an Abitti USB stick. The school distributes Abitti USB sticks to students at the beginning of the first academic year. At that time, the student installs the Abitti operating system on the stick with the help of a teacher. Additionally, the student receives instructions on updating the operating system. The sticks are updated only when instructed by the school. Help and guidance for Abitti USB sticks are available from the school throughout the academic year. The Abitti USB stick is personal and needed throughout upper secondary school.
Abitti Instructions and Current Informationjankohtainen tieto
Username and password
At the beginning of their studies, students receive a username (Wilma username, i.e., [email protected]) and a password. Students can log into the upper secondary schools' teaching network computers using their Wilma username and password. The login username is ad\wilma.username (You can usually find the backslash \ on the keyboard next to the plus sign and get it by pressing Alt Gr and +). The Wilma username is also used to log into electronic services: Wilma, Moodle, Office365, and the Toki online library's electronic materials.
The upper secondary school has a wireless network called, which is accessed using the Wilma username.
Upper secondary school computers
The computers in multimedia classrooms and group workspaces are intended solely for study use. Students can freely use the computers in the hallways. Printing non-study-related files on upper secondary school devices is not allowed.
Electronic services and programs
Tampere Vocational College Tredu provides several electronic services for upper secondary schools. It is recommended to save Startti as your homepage or bookmark it in your browsers. On the site, you will find user guides and tips related to electronic services.
The programs approved by the Matriculation Examination Board for the matriculation exams can be found on the Matriculation Examination Board's website.
Wilma is the official communication channel for the high school. Therefore, everyone must follow Wilma's messages, announcements, and other entries throughout the school year. The course tray, course grades, teachers' instant messages, school announcements, and student absences are visible in Wilma. Students and guardians communicate with teachers through Wilma. The guardian records the reason for the student's absence in Wilma. Guardians' Wilma accounts are closed when the student turns 18. The student can give permission via a Wilma form for their guardians to continue using Wilma after they reach adulthood.
The Wilma username is personal. The guardian's Wilma username is also personal. It is recommended to download the easy-to-use Wilma app on your smartphone.
Moodle is an electronic learning environment used in many study units. To enroll in study units, a study unit-specific key is required, which students receive from their teacher.
Students can save study-related files to their personal OneDrive cloud, ensuring they are safe even if their own computer breaks. Files can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. OneDrive offers unlimited storage space (note, however, a 15 GB limit per file).
Office365 also provides students with an Outlook email account. The address is [email protected] or [email protected], depending on the format of the Wilma username.
The Office365 service also includes other tools such as the Sway presentation program and the Teams collaboration platform, where teachers and students can share materials and work together.
Files saved by the student in the Office 365 cloud, Moodle, or other educational services are retained for 7 months after the end of the study right. After that, they are permanently deleted in accordance with data protection regulations. It is the student's responsibility to save any necessary files from the digital educational services when they are about to graduate.
Free Office 365 ProPlus Package for upper secondary school students in the City of Tampere
Upper secondary school students in Tampere can download the Office 365 ProPlus package for free on their own computers for the duration of their studies. Office 365 ProPlus includes programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook.
Toki-Online Library
You can access the electronic materials of the secondary education online library with a Wilma username. Remote access links are compiled on the e-materials page. Take advantage of e-books, archives of Helsingin Sanomat, Aamulehti, Iltalehti, and Kauppalehti, as well as dictionaries for English, French, Russian, Italian, and German. Toki also has good link lists to open online resources.