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Study guide

Study guide for upper secondary school students
Hatanpään lukion opinto-opas 2024-2025
(pdf) (14.74 MB)Hatanpään lukio Study booklet 2024-2025. The study booklet is distributed to everyone at the beginning of the academic year.
Hatanpään lukion opetussuunnitelma 1.8.2024 alkaen
(pdf) (3.65 MB)The entire 510-page curriculum. The study unit content descriptions can be most easily found on the Subjects subpage.
Hatanpään lukion opiskelusuunnitelma 2024-2025
(pdf) (241.75 KB)With the study plan document, you can plan your own study units.
Opintojaksojen esivalinta_ohje 2024-2025
(pdf) (206.42 KB)Guidelines for preliminary study unit selections for the academic year 2024-2025.
Credits and scope of upper secondary studies
The scope of upper secondary studies is at least 150 credits. There is no maximum scope. Of the credits, 94-102 credits (depending on whether you choose basic or advanced mathematics) are compulsory studies. In addition, at least 20 credits of national optional studies must be completed. The remaining credits can be accumulated from either national or school-specific optional studies.
A student must complete the entire upper secondary school syllabus and participate in the matriculation examination in a minimum of two and a maximum of four years. A fifth year of study can be granted upon request only for particularly compelling reasons. Studies can be interrupted for up to one academic year without losing the upper secondary school place, based on a justified request (e.g., exchange studies).
A student graduating in three years typically completes about 60 credits per academic year (30 two-credit study units). At a minimum, the student must plan their studies so that they complete 30 credits (15 two-credit study units) during the academic year. The student's study load must be at least six credits in each period.
Special educational task in music
Hatanpään lukio upper secondary school serves as the national special educational task school for music (music and musical theatre) in the Pirkanmaa region. If a student selected for the special educational task completes at least 24 credits in Music and Musical Theatre (usually 12 two-credit study units), they are allowed to omit 16 credits of compulsory studies (usually 8 two-credit study units) from their upper secondary school diploma. However, at least half of the compulsory studies in each subject must be completed. The student completes all compulsory study unit in the subjects they choose for the matriculation examination.
Periods and study units
The school year is divided into five periods. Each period lasts 7-8 weeks and ends with a seven-day final week. Each timetable code from 1-7 has its own final day.
Students select study units for each period according to their study plan. The length of the study units is usually two credits. For each timetable code from 1-8, students can choose a two-credit study unit or, in some exceptional cases, two one-credit study units.
Selecting and changing study units
Students usually create their study plan for the entire school year at once, choosing the necessary and desired study units from Wilma's study unit selection tray. Changes are agreed upon with the guidance counselor. Wilma's study unit selection tray is opened for students' own selections always before the final week.
Completing study units
A two-credit study unit consists of an average of 23 lessons, each lasting 75 minutes. Typically, 19 of these 75-minute lessons fit into the regular weekly schedule, leaving about four 75-minute sessions, or six hours, for the final week.
The study unit is completed by attending lessons, participating in the final day's activities, and completing the assignments given during the study unit.
Final week
Each of the study units with codes 1-7 has a full day of work time during the 7-day final week. Attendance is mandatory. The final day may include a written exam for the study unit, but also presentations, group work, study trips, written and oral assessments, study unit evaluation, and feedback. Written and oral assessments of skills are, of course, also collected before the final week. Study units with code 8 do not have a separate final day; assessments of skills are collected, and any exams are held during the study unit.
Students must inform the teacher if they cannot participate in the final week's activities due to illness or other similar reasons. Only by notifying their absence can students retain the right to complete their study unit, for example, in a retake exam; otherwise, the absence will be considered a failed attempt.
Resit examination and completing a failed study unit
If a student has been absent on the final day or has received a failing grade for the study unit, they must participate in a resit examination. Resit examination opportunities are available after each period. Each failing grade can be retaken once. For a special reason, a student may be granted the right to participate in a second retake. A passing grade can be improved by retaking the study unit. The better grade is always considered.
All resit examinations must be registered in Wilma under "exams." The resit examination dates and final registration dates for each period are listed in the event calendar in the "For Students" section on the upper secondary school's website. At the beginning of the school year in August, students can retake exams from the last period of the previous school year and exams for independent summer study units.
Students are required to attend classes on resit examination days. If a student has registered for a retake and does not provide a reason for their absence, the retake right is forfeited. If a student has multiple resit examinations from a period, they must arrange the completion with the study unit teachers and the assistant principal coordinating student support.
Study unit assessment
The assessment criteria are reviewed with students at the beginning of each study unit. It is important to know what kind of demonstrations of competence are required to meet the assessment criteria and what the minimum requirements for the study unit are. The study unit is assessed at its conclusion.
The assessment is diverse and based on possible written exams, continuous observation of study progress, and evaluation of the student's knowledge and skills - it is not solely based on traditional exam performances. The student's self-assessment is also taken into account, utilizing, among other things, study unit assessment discussions.
Numerical grades are given for compulsory studies and national optional studies, except for guidance counselling study units, which are marked with a pass (S). For school-specific optional studies, a numerical grade or a pass mark is given according to what is recorded in the school's curriculum. The traditional scale of 4–10 is used for numerical grading of study units. A grade of 5 indicates poor, 6 fair, 7 satisfactory, 8 good, 9 very good, and 10 excellent knowledge and skills. A failed performance is marked with a grade of 4. Even a grade of 4 requires that the assessment criteria are sufficiently met.
In addition to numerical grades, the marks S (completed study unit), H (failed study unit), T (study unit to be completed), and K (discontinued study unit) are used. H, T, and K do not count towards the student's study unit accumulation. A national study unit completed with a grade of four (4) is counted towards the study unit accumulation if the subject's syllabus is satisfactorily completed. School-specific optional study units that are successfully completed are counted towards the school's study unit accumulation.
A T grade means that the study unit could not be assessed due to insufficient and missing assignments. Missing assignments are recorded in Wilma's additional information. Required completions must be made by the next period at the latest. If completions are not made, the T grade is changed to either a lowered grade or a failed study unit (H), as the assessment criteria have not been met by the given deadline.
A K grade means that the study unit has been discontinued. A student can discontinue a study unit for a justified reason after agreeing with the subject teacher or guidance counselor. A discontinued study unit cannot be completed but must be retaken to receive a grade. A teacher can discontinue a student's study unit due to excessive absences after hearing the student. A warning and justification for the risk of study unit discontinuation are recorded in the notes field associated with the absence mark. The study unit is not discontinued if the student provides a medical certificate for their absences and agrees on the completions with the teacher. Completing the study unit in these cases must always be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.
Cheating in studies, such as plagiarism or cheating in exams, leads to consequences, which, considering the severity and recurrence of the act, include a reprimand from the principal, hearing of the student and, if necessary, the guardian, a written warning, or temporary suspension. Additionally, the consequence may be a failed partial performance of the study unit or a failed study unit.
Student attendance and absences
Students are required by the Upper Secondary School Act to attend classes. If a student has numerous absences, the study unit must be retaken. Only a medical certificate or another special reason can grant the right to complete the study unit without retaking it.
Students must ensure that all absences are immediately accounted for. For underage students, the guardian accounts for the absences, while adult students provide their own absence explanations. Absences are recorded and explained in Wilma.
If illness or another reason prevents attending school for several days, the student must inform their homeroom teacher by the third day at the latest. If the absence concerns participation in an exam or a scheduled student presentation, the student must notify the teacher of their absence via Wilma message or email by the morning of the day in question.
If the number of unexplained absences exceeds 10 lessons or 3 lessons for a specific study unit, the student's homeroom teacher will immediately contact the guardian of the underage student or the student who has reached the age of 18.
Known absences in advance must be requested beforehand. The request is made in Wilma under "Applications and Decisions" by the guardian of the underage student or the adult student themselves. Homeroom teachers can grant a 1-5 day absence upon request. The principal grants longer absences based on a justified request.
It is the student's responsibility to find out the homework and other tasks for the period of their absence. The student may participate in a resit examination if they notify in advance of a possible impediment on the exam day or partial exam day. Absence from school events and theme days is only allowed with the permission of the homeroom teacher or principal.
Guidance counselling
The guidance counselor is there to help you with your study plan, further study plans, or even your matriculation examination. The guidance counselor guides you if you are considering extending (3.5–4 years) or shortening your study period. The guidance counselor holds guidance discussions with all graduating students. In these discussions, your further study plans are reviewed: where you could apply to study, what the application deadlines and criteria for different study places are, etc. For personal guidance, you can book an appointment through the electronic booking system. You can also reach the counselor via Wilma message or by knocking on their door.
There are two compulsory study guidance study units in upper secondary school. OP1 (Me as a Student) is held during the first year, and OP2 (Further Studies, Working Life, and Future) is spread over the second and third years.
Information related to study guidance is mainly communicated through Wilma.
You can also get more information from the guidance counselor if you want to apply to Hatanpään lukio upper secondary school. Welcome to get acquainted!
Special needs education
Special needs teacher is located in room 406 on the 4th floor.
Marita Kontio, [email protected] or via Wilma message.
The special needs teacher provides information, teaching, and guidance on various learning difficulties. First-year students undergo an initial assessment of their language skills. Based on the initial assessment, student requests, and the (special) teacher's recommendation, students are offered individual special education at agreed meeting times and possibly participation in the Lue study unit. The study unit aims to help students understand themselves as learners and enhance their study skills. The Lue study unit can also assess students' reading skills and prepare a statement for the matriculation examination board.
Remedial teaching
During the school year, we have fixed remedial teaching groups in mathematical subjects, mother tongue and S2 (Finnish as a second language), as well as in English and Swedish.
Remedial teaching in mathematics is provided by Annika Lammi, in mother tongue and Finnish as a second language by Heidi Heikkilä, and in Swedish and English by Sirpa Ruhanen. In the mother tongue remedial teaching, you can also get support for written assignments in other subjects. We provide information about the remedial teaching arrangements in weekly bulletins and on the info TV.
Remedial teaching for other subjects can be arranged directly with the subject teacher.
Completing studies via the online study unit selection tray
In the upper secondary schools of Tampere, students can also complete their studies online. In the academic year 2022–2023, the online study unit selection tray offers study units and modules in almost every subject across five different online periods. Students can choose up to two online study units per period, and registration for these study units is done only through the guidance counselor.
The online study unit selection tray is available in Wilma, where other study unit selections are also found. The main platforms for online studies are Moodle and Teams, but publishers' own online platforms may also be used. At the beginning of the study unit, the teacher will contact students via Wilma, and the studies should be started immediately.
Independent completion of a study unit
If you cannot find the required study unit on the online study unit selection tray and cannot attend classroom instruction, independent study of the study unit may be possible. First, discuss the independent completion with the teacher. An application for independent study is made in Wilma under "Applications and Decisions." For students under 18, the application is made using the guardian's Wilma credentials. The teacher supports the application and provides instructions and tasks related to the study unit completion. The schedule is agreed upon together. The teacher forwards the independent study application to the principal, who grants permission. Generally, only one independent study unit can be completed at a time.
The objectives of an independently studied study unit are the same as those of a normally completed study unit. However, the assessment criteria may differ since, for example, class participation cannot be evaluated. The teacher must explain the assessment criteria to the student. The independent completion must be passed successfully.
Studies completed Elsewhere, recognition of prior learning, credit transfer
In Tampere, there are diverse opportunities to study outside your own upper secondary school and include the completed studies in your upper secondary school syllabus. You can study in other upper secondary schools, vocational education and training, universities of applied sciences, and universities. Instruction is offered both in-person and remotely.
Upper secondary school studies can recognize previously acquired upper secondary level competence and also credit other completed studies and skills, such as studies at music institutions, a driver's license, a first aid course, and much more. Bring your certificates or other clear documentation of your skills and competencies to the student affairs secretary in the office. We will request further details if necessary.
Study register and completion of the upper secondary school syllabus
The upper secondary school maintains a study register for each student, which shows the completed courses and their grades. Students and guardians can monitor academic progress and the accumulation of course credits through Wilma.
The compulsory, national elective, and school-specific elective study units for different subjects can be checked, for example, in the study plan section of this guide. A student has completed the upper secondary school syllabus when they have successfully completed the syllabi of the subjects and the total number of credits is 150.
Final grade
The final grade for a subject is determined by the average of the compulsory and national elective study units.
To successfully complete the syllabus of a subject, the student must pass the majority of the subject's study units. The maximum number of failing grades (4) allowed in compulsory and national advanced study units is as follows:
Compulsory and national elective studies ... maximum number of failing grades:
- 2–5 credits ... 0 credits
- 6–11 credits ... 2 credits
- 12–17 credits ... 4 credits
- 18 credits or more ... 6 credits
A student can attempt to raise the final grade of a subject in a separate improvement exam at the end of their studies. The procedures are communicated annually in the graduation information sessions.
Hatanpään lukio upper secondary school rules
Hatanpään lukio Upper Secondary School follows the common rules and guidelines for upper secondary education in the city of Tampere.
1. Scope of the Rules
2. Rules for Upper Secondary Schools in the Tampere Region
3. Procedures and Authority Limits for Disciplinary Measures in Tampere Upper Secondary Education Based on the Upper Secondary School Act 714/2018
4. Other Considerations and General Guidelines
The aim of these rules is to ensure that students, staff, and visitors in Tampere's upper secondary education have the right to a safe and pleasant learning and working environment, as well as equal and fair treatment. The rules are based on the Upper Secondary School Act (10.8.2018) and the Upper Secondary School Decree (810/2018). More detailed guidelines are provided in the schools' own rules.
1. Scope of the Rules
The rules apply to the areas of Tampere's upper secondary education institutions and situations directly related to studying. They apply to all individuals operating or visiting these areas. The areas of the institution include the premises and buildings of the campuses, as well as areas where students are engaged in tasks according to the curriculum. Situations related to studying also include events organized by the institution outside of study hours and events organized by students in the institution's premises where students represent the institution. In workplace-based learning according to the curriculum, the student follows the workplace's guidelines and regulations, as well as good manners. The student must follow other guidelines of the institutions.
2. Rules for Upper Secondary Schools in the Tampere Region
The participating education providers specify the rules with institution-specific guidelines.
Discipline (Upper Secondary School Act 42§)
A student who disrupts teaching or otherwise breaks the rules or acts dishonestly may be given a written warning. If the offense is serious or if the student continues the inappropriate behavior after receiving a written warning, they may be expelled from the institution for a fixed period, up to one year, and expelled from the dormitory for a fixed period or the remaining duration of their studies. The aforementioned measures are disciplinary sanctions.
A student who disrupts teaching can be ordered to leave the classroom or other teaching space for the remainder of the lesson or the event organized by the institution.
A student's participation in teaching can be denied for up to three working days if there is a risk that the safety of another student or a person working in the institution or other teaching space will suffer due to the student's violent or threatening behavior, or if teaching or related activities are unreasonably hindered by the student's disruptive behavior. If a student is under investigation for a crime, their right to study can be suspended during the investigation if it is justified in relation to the crime the student is suspected of committing or related matters.
The education provider has a separate plan that includes guidelines for disciplinary sanctions:
1. Written warning: hearing the student and guardians in writing (principal)
2. Denial of teaching for three (3) days: hearing the student and guardian in writing (form as an attachment)
3. Temporary expulsion (expulsion and suspension from studies must be decided by a multi-member body)
Cheating in studies, such as plagiarism or cheating in exams, leads to consequences, which, considering the severity and recurrence of the act, include a reprimand from the principal, hearing the student and, if necessary, the guardian, a written warning, or temporary expulsion. Additionally, the consequence may be a failed partial performance of the course or a failed course.
Possession and use of substances, as well as appearing under their influence in the institution's premises and activities, are prohibited and always lead to a written warning. Violent behavior always leads to at least a written warning.
It is forbidden to bring or possess any object or substance during the working day that is prohibited by law, can endanger one's own or another's safety, or is particularly suitable for damaging property and for which there is no acceptable reason for possession. The teacher and principal have the authority to inspect the student's belongings and confiscate objects and substances that endanger the student's or others' safety.
The education provider has a separate plan with more detailed guidelines for confiscating dangerous or prohibited objects or substances.
In all situations involving the use of disciplinary measures, good governance and general principles of legal protection are followed, including equality, purposefulness, impartiality, proportionality, and protection of trust. Ensuring staff competence in using disciplinary powers is managed through communication and necessary training.
The school informs about the rules and legally prescribed disciplinary measures. Information for students is provided by the group advisor or other teaching staff, for example, during group advisor sessions. The education provider's student welfare plan includes a description of cooperation with various authorities and guardians. The student welfare plan also includes procedures for monitoring the plan and evaluating its implementation and effectiveness. All rules apply to all school events, including those outside the school.
3. Procedures and Authority Limits for Disciplinary Measures in Tampere Upper Secondary Education Based on the Upper Secondary School Act 714/2018
To make a decision on a disciplinary sanction, the act or measure leading to the matter must be specified, the necessary investigation obtained, and the student heard (Upper Secondary School Act 42§). Before imposing a disciplinary sanction, the student's guardian must be given the opportunity to be heard.
A written warning falls within the principal's authority. A written warning is given to a student who disrupts teaching or otherwise breaks the rules or acts dishonestly (Upper Secondary School Act 41§). The written warning form is in the school's administration program and is recorded in the decisions concerning the student. The written warning for an underage student is also notified to the guardian.
Denial of teaching for three (3) days falls within the principal's authority. A student can be denied teaching for up to three working days if there is a risk that the safety of another student or a person working in the institution will suffer due to the student's violent behavior or threatening behavior, or if teaching or related activities are unreasonably hindered by the student's behavior. A written decision is made on the denial of teaching and is recorded in the school's administration program in the decisions concerning the student.
Expulsion from the institution for up to three months falls within the principal's authority. Temporary expulsion results from a serious offense or if the student continues the aforementioned inappropriate behavior after receiving a written warning.
Expulsion of a student for a fixed period, up to one year, falls within the authority of the education provider's multi-member body. Temporary expulsion results from a serious offense or if the student continues inappropriate behavior after receiving a written warning.
A student's right to study can be suspended during an investigation if the student is under investigation for a crime.
The teacher and principal have the right to remove a disruptive student from the teaching space for the remainder of the lesson. The same applies to events organized by the institution. If the student being removed attempts to resist, the principal and teacher have the right to use necessary force to remove the student, which can be considered defensible, taking into account the student's age and the threat of the situation or the seriousness of the resistance and the overall assessment of the situation. No force may be used in the removal. The teacher or principal who resorted to the use of force must provide a written report of the incident to the education provider (Upper Secondary School Act 43§). In Tampere upper secondary education, the report on the use of force is submitted to the principal of the respective institution and the director of upper secondary education.
4. Other Considerations and General Guidelines
The institution follows the laws on equality (L609/1989) and non-discrimination (L21/2004).
According to the Tobacco Act (L 698/2010 12 § paragraph 2), the use of tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes and snuff) is prohibited in the indoor areas of institutions providing basic education, vocational education, and upper secondary education, as well as in student dormitories and their outdoor areas.
Gambling in the institution is prohibited.
Separate data security and data protection guidelines and network usage rules must be followed.
Technical devices, such as phones and computers, are used in teaching situations only for study purposes, taking into account copyright. Filming/recording and distributing in various learning environments of the institution is prohibited without separate permission.
The institution's property must be handled carefully. Materials and supplies needed for activities must be handled according to instructions. If a student damages or destroys the institution's property, they are obliged to report it immediately to the teacher. The person causing the damage is liable for the damage caused according to the Tort Liability Act (L 412/74). Permission must always be obtained from the person responsible for the respective property to borrow the institution's property. The institution is not responsible for the storage of students' belongings or for any damage to them.
In all study situations, the work safety clothing, personal protective equipment, and appropriate clothing specified in the institution's guidelines must be used.
Work safety regulations and instructions must be strictly followed, and the necessary protective equipment must be kept in good condition and easily accessible. Any deficiencies related to safety must be reported immediately to the responsible person. If a student refuses to use protective equipment despite instructions, their work with equipment and in places prone to accidents must be prevented.
The institution's premises, both inside and outside, must be kept clean. The immediate surroundings of the campuses must also be kept clean.
Vehicles must be left in designated areas. Emergency access routes must be kept open.
On copyright and plagiarism
Use of sources in written works
In upper secondary school, students produce various types of written works: compositions, essays, reports, summaries, book or movie reviews, portfolios, presentations, and research papers. Often, these works are created using source material, while sometimes the text must be entirely original. The teacher's assignment will clarify how the task should be completed. The use of sources is regulated by copyright law (Copyright Act 8.7.1961/404).
Quoting or direct citation
According to copyright law, it is permissible to quote text verbatim from a published work. The quotation must be clearly marked with quotation marks, and the source must be mentioned. There must be a good reason for the quotation, and it must be closely related to the topic.
Source material is most often used by paraphrasing its ideas, meaning the original text is summarized and explained in one's own words. This type of source use must also be indicated to the reader with source references. Internet sources are cited in the same way.
Visual materials
Copyright law also regulates the use of all kinds of images, such as photographs, drawings, diagrams, or even tables. The conditions for borrowing these must be checked from the source material on a case-by-case basis.
The easiest materials to borrow are those marked with a Creative Commons license, which can be used according to the content of the license (see
Plagiarism means using someone else's ideas or conclusions in one's own name without mentioning the source, whether it is paraphrasing or direct quoting. Such use of a work is dishonest; sources must always be mentioned in the agreed ways. A work that is partially or entirely plagiarized will be rejected. Plagiarism always results in disciplinary actions (e.g., a reprimand and study unit interruption).
The same copyright principles apply to the use of Internet sources. It is not permissible to quote or copy anything from the Internet without providing source information, and the use of some materials may be entirely prohibited.
Sources and further information:
- Toikkanen, T. & Oksanen, V. 2011: Opettajan tekijänoikeusopas. Finn Lectura. Porvoo.