For families and guardians

Family Evenings (Parent-Teacher Meetings):
Parent-teacher meetings will be organized as follows. Invitations to these meetings will also be sent via Wilma. After the meeting, the materials will be available on this website.
Other everyday scheduling matters – such as concerts, final weeks, and others – should be followed either through Wilma's weekly bulletins or the upper secondary school's event calendar.
- For the families of 1st-year students: August 28, 2024, at 18:00 (Introduction to upper secondary school and upper secondary school studies)
- For the families of 2nd-year students: October 29, 2024, at 18:00 (Matriculation examination)
- For the families of 3rd and 4th-year students: January 8, 2025, at 18:00 (Remote meeting on further studies, held via Teams)
- Pyynikin lukio Upper Secondary School Introduction Evening at Pynsä (Pyynikintie 2): Music and Musical Theatre on January 22, 2025, at 18:00
- Pyynikin lukio Upper Secondary School Introduction Evening at Pynsä (Pyynikintie 2): General Upper Secondary School and the Bilingual Study Programme (BSP) on January 23, 2025, at 18:00
- For the families of 1st-year students: March 5, 2025, at 18:00 (Well-being, student care)
Hatanpää high school Parents' Association
Greeting from the Parents' Association!
Your child has chosen a wonderful school, congratulations! It's great that you are interested in your child's studies and school.
The Parents' Association has an important role as a bridge between the upper secondary school and families. Cooperation is crucial as the young person seeks their place in society. Together, by supporting and guiding the young person, we aim to ease their choices in school and life. We strive to influence city decision-makers when necessary, in collaboration with the upper secondary school's professional staff.
The Hatanpään lukio Upper School Parents' Association grants scholarships to graduating students both in the spring and autumn. Additionally, scholarships are awarded to students who are good friends, encourage, and support others. We also provide other assistance and sponsor student trips and activities.
The association's income mainly consists of voluntary membership fees and fees collected from organizing various events.
The voluntary membership fee for the Parent Association is 10 euros per family. You can pay the membership fee to the Hatanpää High School Parent Association's account: TSOP: FI 24 5732 2620 0531 40. Please use the reference number 10029. The fee can also be paid by card during family evenings or parent-teacher meetings.
The next meeting of the association's board will be on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 17:30. It will be held in the teachers' lounge on the first floor of Hatanpää High School.
The board meetings of the association are open, and all parents and guardians of students are welcome to attend.
Best regards,
The Board of the Hatanpää High School Parent Association
Board 2024-2025:
Päivi Lepistö, puheenjohtaja
Monja Tiensuu, sihteeri
Niina Nikanto, taloudenhoitaja
Aleksandr Dolgin
Suvi Mattila
Anna Inkeri Pap
Heli Press
Asko Terävä
Koulun edustajana rehtori, apulaisrehtori tai muu sovittu edustaja
Contact information: [email protected]
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